
Plumbing Courses In The UK


There are literally hundreds, if not thousands, of courses in plumbing, for a variety of time periods, specializations and certifications or other levels of training. They can be found in many countries and parts of the world. Lets look at one of these offered in the UK.

In the UK one four week course prepares you for certification to work as a union or government worker. One of the advanced courses in plumbing the course work includes the study of copper piping installation for residences, the study of sanitary bathroom facilities, a course in tiling and in plastering and certification for three specialties. The specialties certified courses in plumbing include a certificate in water system regulation, one in energy efficient systems and a third in unvented storage systems for water heating. The price for this particular course in plumbing is 3790.37 including tax. You may also opt, after the completion of this or other courses in plumbing sign up for an additional apprenticeship hands-on week or work.

This plumbing course includes lessons in formal labour union and municipal plumbing qualifications, residential copper piping installation and bathroom fixture installation. After you’ve taken this and the other required courses in plumbing towards the certificate for water regulations you can apply with the local UK water company as an approved plumbing contractor, as part of earning your water regulations certificate.

For some courses in plumbing, such as the one on water regulations, you must expect to study at home. The least time you will spend studying this course is three weeks on a part time basis. The exam will be given a few weeks after the end of your final fourth week course. You’ll get the home study pack of materials in your first of the four week courses in plumbing. You’ll then have plenty of study time before the exam. For your hot water unvented storage certification you’ll get a home study manual as well. This course is mostly classroom lecture with topics on frozen pipes, flushing problems in the bathroom, lifting of floor boards, maintenance of water pipes and taps, and other relevant plumbing skills.

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Once you’ve successfully completed these courses in plumbing you are welcome to sign on for one week with a designated plumbing firm. During this time you’ll shadow an experienced and registered plumbing professional as she or he goes about daily plumbing jobs. It is possible to secure a job offer as a result of this successful completion of courses in plumbing and your own week of work.

Week one of this four week program is the study of the plumbing industry as a whole – an overview and a look at its history and growth. You’ll study the basics of plumbing materials and the plumbing science itself. You’ll learn about bending tubes, working with pipes and relevant material and become familiar with the various skills of the plumbing trade at which you’ll need to become adept. You’ll learn about keeping yourself safe and healthy, and maintaining the health of your plumbing clients, as well as how to install and maintain a variety of household appliances.